Improving a tiny Vox DA5 practice amp

Some years ago I traded an effects pedal I wasn’t using too much for a quite nice no-name Stratocaster guitar (which actually sounds great), plus a tiny Vox DA5 modeling amplifier.

NOTE: I had created a printable PDF for keeping track of settings/tones that I like using this little amp.  If you have one of these, feel free to download, print and mark-up this handy little worksheet (three “voices: per page, and it’s two pages so if your printer can print double-sided, even better):  DA5_PersonalPresets

Back to the amp:  The DA5 has a switch on the back that permits selecting the overall output – from 1/2 a watt to 1 watt to a surprisingly loud 5 watts.  These amps can run off their own “wall wart” power supply, or can run off a set of batteries in a battery holder located at the bottom of the cabinet.

I had always felt that this little (10.5″ x 10.5″ x 7″) box was being held back by its honky little 6.5″ speaker, so one day on Kijiji I found a proper sized 12″ speaker in its cabinet for sale at a reasonable price, and picked that up with an eye to using that larger speaker cabinet to see what this could sound like through a regular-sized speaker and cab – so the two got married. Continue reading